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AMS RS was established on 5th August 1992., and it is one of the successors of the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It primarily operates in the territory of the Republic of Srpska (49% of the territory of BiH) but it operationally covers the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it provides services to its members in the whole Europe.

AMS RS, containing all automobile and motorcycle organizations, is an autonomous, independent, interest association of voluntarily joined members who are citizens and owners of vehicles and other citizens, in order to satisfy their personal and joint interests in the field of automobile and motorcycle sport and tourism aimed at satisfying interests and needs related to the road safety, automobile, motorcycle and karting sport, prevention and education, economic and other activities.



  • Taking preventive measures to improve traffic safety in cooperation with competent authorities and institutions and through automobile associations,
  • spreading the traffic-technical culture of traffic participants, and especially the traffic education of children and youth, through auto-motorcycle associations and in cooperation with competent authorities and institutions,
  • development and improvement of auto-moto and karting sports and touring,
  • informing members and other traffic participants about all issues of their interest,
  • representation of members' interests when passing regulations related to road traffic and roads, road safety, production of motor vehicles and parts, production and trade of tires and propellants and lubricants, and members' interests in determining tax policy in the trade of motor vehicles and spare parts, tires and propellants and lubricants,
  • representation of the interests of auto-moto companies and sports organizations in the field of the automotive and related industry, road industry, traffic safety, traffic services, tourism and other activities in which members appear as consumers or users of services,
  • removal of damaged vehicles and failered vehicles from highways, main and regional roads and other public areas by means of motor vehicle companies,
  • providing assistance to citizens, members and other participants in traffic on public roads, repairing vehicles and providing information on road conditions,
  • improving the process of training candidates for taking the driving test,
  • performance of public powers and powers entrusted by law, through AMOs,
  • developing cooperation with international automobile and motorcycle organizations,
  • environmental protection,
  • performance of related economic activities that complete services to members and other traffic participants.
Ауто-мото савез Републике Српске